
Your food & gear should be well packed (no plastic bags please) for transit into the village by snowmobile. If you plan to arrive late then we may have to pick up your gear in the morning. Always pack a lunch as cannot always have your gear into the village by the time you arrive.

Category: General

No. There is no restaurant at the Village!! However on the weekends there may be a
pot of soup on the stove.

Category: General

Yes. The Ski Tuonela Village operates off grid & electricity is supplied to the cabins by banks of 12 volt batteries. 115 volts is only available at the Lodge or Langspielhaus through an inverter or when the generator is running.

Category: General

No. Your cellphone will not work in the Village OR in the parking lot. If you wish to call the Village with an ETA you should call BEFORE you turn off the TCH at exit 11 or from the Canso Causeway. If you have to make a call FROM the Village we have cellphones and a long range radio phone. We also have high speed internet & e-mail capablities.

Category: General

We provide all pots & pans, dishes, cutlery,coffee perk, wine glasses, etc., etc. Every cabin, except the Sauna, has a two-burner propane stove, a wood stove with a flat surface for cooking & hot water. There is also a peripatetic Bar-B-Q in the Village and a “Big Green Egg” in the RauchHaus for communal use.

Category: General

No. We have about ten sets of rental gear for adult guests staying at the Village or using the trail system . You HAVE to arrange rental gear AT LEAST 24 hrs before your arrival to ensure its placement in the rental shack near the parking lot. We do NOT rent gear for use off the trail system.

Category: General

Yes. It is in the Sauna which needs a one to three hour warm up depending on the ambiant temperature. There is an extra cost for its use. Check the web site.

Category: General

12 noon, so that the housekeeper can get the cabins ready for the next occupant. However you may ski/hike for as long as you wish and use the Lodge for warmup.

Category: General

Yes & No. In the skiing season the great outdoors is your refrigerator. There are no ‘wild critters’ that will eat your rations! In the non-skiing seasons we have large coolers with ice packs that you can use.

Category: General

Take the 105 Hiway after crossing the Canso causeway towards Baddeck. After passing Baddeck, continue on the 105 until you get to exit 11 to the Cabot Trail. Turn down this exit by the Lobster Galley Restaurant (closed in winter) onto the Cabot Trail & continue for 11km until you reach our parking lot.

Category: General

About 4 hours non-stop if there is blacktop. Adjust your arrival time accordingly.

Category: General

No. All our cabins are built ‘open plan’ to allow heat to circulate from the wood stove. Most have a sleeping loft with a queen sized bed, and the ground floor has single bunks. The “Chalet” cabin has a ‘Dutch Bunk’ at one end of the cabin.

Category: General

The Village is 600 ft above sea level and is accessed by a gentle 4 km ski or snowshoe into the Village. In the Fall it is about a 45 min hike; in winter it will take about 30-60 mins depending on your ability.

Category: General

No. We provide all your drinking water and washing water. It is from a spring half way up the mountain. We provide you with a ‘BRITA’ water filter if you wish to filter your drinking water.

Category: General

We provide hand towels, tea towels & dish cloths. You need to bring your own toiletries including face cloth. If you plan to take a sauna, please bring your own bath towel. There is an extra charge for the use of the Sauna.

Category: General

Yes and No
Sheets and pillow cases are provided for each Queen bed. There is a comforter for each bunk & queen. There may occasionally be a need for a sleeping bag if you have an extra person in your cabin, or if you have children. Consult us on this one.

Category: General

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